August 2018




Homeownership month has just come to an end and it’s been a busy season for the SMC. It’s been incredibly heartening seeing all of the positive response to the SMC and our plans to further the Homeownership mission we all share. We will spend this quarter working to onboard new members who have reached contract & launch phase – while supporting our existing membership with training & marketing technical assistance geared at increasing production. We must all do more, as the problems we are solving are enormous, and it takes us all working on it together to make a significant impact.

June/Homeownership Month Events
  • TN Housing Education Symposium
  • Citi Community Development Convening in NY
  • The OCC Community Affairs Staff Meeting in DC
  • One-on-one with the Special Advisor to the HUD Secretary, Adolfo Marzol
  • Shalom Center’s Homeownership Fair in Los Angeles
  • NHRC’s Homeownership Fair in Riverside, CA
Since our last newsletter, we have also presented at:
  • Freddie Mac “Open Doors” events in Tampa and San Antonio
  • Counselor’s Corner’s Impacts and Innovations Conference in Orlando
  • Colorado State Housing Summit
  • National Interagency Community Reinvestment Conference in Miami
  • FDIC/OCC/Federal Reserve Collaborative Summit in Southern CA



Housing & Education Alliance provides complete housing services to residents throughout Central Florida who want to purchase a home or who are seeking foreclosure prevention services. The staff of HEA has over 100 years of combined experience in the fields of real estate, mortgages, counseling, economic development, and business.

Q&A with Sylvia Alvarez, Executive Director

Q: How do you market your programs to get so many clients?

“We have implemented a few different techniques to bring 100+ clients a month to Housing and Education Alliance (HEA).

  1. We attend every event possible and take advantage of every speaking opportunity to let people know about our programs and services.
  2. We have developed a close relationship with local media, by providing them relevant housing information and updates as to what is happening in housing in the market thereby becoming the local experts in housing.
  3. We have partnered with our local realtor boards providing information the realtors can use that helps them make more sales. They are really excited about our partnership with SMC and see this partnership as a viable option to deliver the best products to their clients while keeping DPA and the mortgage under one roof.
  4. We put on workshops either in partnership with other agencies or on our own.
  5. HEA is listed on the HUD website as housing counselors
  6. We have a very active and fluid presence on social media always highlighting success stories.”
Q: How has your years of foreclosure prevention experience helped in developing your pre-purchase services?

“HEA actually started as a homebuyer education provider and developer of housing units. The foreclosure crisis took us down a path we had not expected to go down, however, we helped over 14,000 Tampa Bay families with our free foreclosure prevention services. These clients have been added to our data base of clients that receive our eblasts. We solicit those clients for our homebuyer classes and pre-purchase counseling.”

Q: Do you have any advice for nonprofits struggling to find funding?

“You must think outside the box and understand that becoming self-sufficient and not depending on government funding or grants is the way of the future. We took steps in that direction by developing our online homebuyer education program HomeTRACK Online which is different than any other online program in the market because it uses EDU-tainment, using games, cartoons and funny videos. We have enlisted 15 branch offices throughout the country who are provided their own co-branded website which generates registration fees providing passive income for HEA and the branches. HomeTRACK is also approved by Bank of America, Chase, Citi and most State Housing Finance Agencies. HomeTRACK was launched last year and to date we have provided certificates of completion for over 2,000 homebuyers throughout the country.

Q: How has becoming a member of the Springboard Mortgage Collaborative helped your organization?

“Learning about the Springboard Mortgage Collaborative was the answer to prayers. Having my roots in the mortgage lending arena, it was a no-brainer to become a member. It makes no sense to not take advantage of this incredible program, especially when everything you need to get your client the best mortgage possible is already in your file.

HEA tried to develop a similar program 8 years ago and it was such a huge undertaking we decided to pass it up. What Gabe Del Rio and his team have accomplished is nothing short of a miracle. I know what a mammoth undertaking this was and we are proud to be a member of such a forward-thinking organization who saw a void in the housing arena and they did all the heavy lifting to fill that void. I don’t understand how anyone could pass up this opportunity.

I am proud to say that due to our presence in the market, our well-attended homebuyer classes and our HomeTRACK Online homebuyer education platform we now have a pipeline over $4,000,000. Our goal is to reach $10,000,000.

Join us in this endeavor to make sure our clients are receiving the best possible financing they can qualify for.”

HEA and SMC staff pictured with Tom Dombrowski from Freddie Mac at a Freddie Mac sponsored event in Tampa.


Alamo Community Group (ACG) is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 1990 to serve families in San Antonio and Bexar County. Its mission is to develop, own, and manage quality affordable housing in a community environment that promotes resident education, self-sufficiency, leadership, and volunteerism through successful partnerships.

With years of experience in providing affordable rental housing to over 1,300 families, ACG has begun expanding their services into homeownership. On top of providing Homebuyer Education classes in English and Spanish, ACG has constructed several affordable single-family properties. In January 2019, they’re set to begin construction of 60 brand new affordable single-family homes.

ACG’s homeless Veteran program, House Our Heroes, provides everything from rental assistance to providing everyday necessities. For more information about their 6th Annual House Our Heroes San Antonio 5K event, visit




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